

The life saver's diary【6】

The saving life master of myocardial infarction.

- Critically ill with severe myocardial infarction -


Elder uncle Sun is severe cardiac expanding with pacemaker , and he was sent into ICU for rescuing due to  myocardial infarction. Also, the doctor told the family that this condition is not optimistic. His daughter asked for help by < Yi Xu Wang's SATP-11Critical Care Medicine> . He was averted the condition , and he was sent to general ward in the next day. And he went home peacefully... 


~ Reading the content 




【Mr. Sun's testimony and shared video in his person】


The Summary of discharge case was published in the book.


The family proved the narrative is true in book.




Dr. Huang graduated at MedicalSchool in Taiwan Unerversity,

and had clinical experience for 40 years.

He proved

all the cases in 《Nobel Prize Level Life Saver Expert》

are competely true several times in public.



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