

The life saver's diary【1】

The miracle of saving life in 15 minutes at ICU

- Critically ill with severe traumatic meningitis -


 Mr. Jane studied in Ger Jyh Senior High School, and he was brain injury , skull fracture and bacterial infections due to the car accident. He was treated by injecting Antibiotic but in vain. Also, he had persistent high fever . The hospital claimed no medicine could treat Mr. Jane → He was done referral hospital→ He was hold brain surgery three times, made up Titanium skull , treated by injecting Antibiotic but in vain , and had persistent high fever . Again , he was claimed that there was no medicine that could treat him , so he was critically ill→ His elder sister asked for help by < Yi XuWang's SATP-11Critical Care Medicine>.→ The doctor approved to rescue him for 15 minutes on the first day.→  He brought down a fever on the first day.→ He was pumped cerebrospinal fluid, and his leukocyte value reduced from the previous 1926 to 19.→ He was miraculously out of the danger, and went home peacefully...


~ Reading the content 





Yi Xu Wang's SATP-11Critical Care Medicine

Before he involved into rescue


【As Dr. Huang interpreted Pathologic report of the case】


【The family applied for discharging medical summary of this case】
When he was critically ill in ICU, his leukocyte value in cerebrospinal fluid was 1926



《Yi Xu Wang's SATP-11Critical Care Medicine》

 【After he involved into rescue



【Mr.Zheng Long Jane 's mother and elder sister 's video

of testimony and sharing

His leukocyte value reduced from the previous 1926 to 19 in the next day.



 Mr.Zheng Long Jane's mother 

proved the case was completely true on April 1st , 2010 again.



Dr. Huang graduated at MedicalSchool in Taiwan Unerversity,

and had clinical experience for 40 years.

He proved

all the cases in 《Nobel Prize Level Life Saver Expert》

are competely true several times in public.



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